Sunday, September 28, 2008

Traitor of the Week: Henry Rollins

Welcome to the first of what we can only presume will be many installments of our new feature, Traitor of the Week, where, in the interests of national security, we highlight the traitorous, un-American activities of whichever communo-fascist has recently frothed against the sort of policies that Johnny knows will make America great.

To begin, we give you the communistic, fascistic, Zionistic rantings of Henry Rollins, singer, author, poet, spoken-word performer, actor and terrorist. In these two minutes of diseased raving, Rollins argues that freedom of speech should not be curtailed; a clearly wrong-headed position: If people are free to speak, they can say things that Johnny doesn’t like, and that will mean the terrorists have won.

We sent a team of highly trained killers to have an open and frank discussion with Mr Rollins about changing his views or having his liver ripped out while he was still alive, but the plan suffered from poor intelligence: to whit, no one told us that Rollins was a super-humanly strong golem who had been carved from granite, so he sent our assassins back to us in several rubbish bags.

The discussion will continue at a later date...

1 comment:

alain said...


i hate posts without download links no more.