Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Vote Johnny, for change you can REALLY believe in

Can you trust Barack Obama to change things? Sure you can; his slogan is Change You Can Believe In, and he’s constantly saying how he’s going to bring about an end to the corruption and mismanagement of the last several years. If you need more proof, just look at these words from one of his speeches:

“We will show that politics, after a time of tarnished ideals, can be higher and better. We will give our country a fresh start after a season of cynicism.”

Inspiring stuff. Certainly makes me believe in him.

Wait, let me check my notes – oops, those aren’t Senator Obama’s words; they were said by George W Bush in 1999.

But I’m sure Obama means it when he says it – I mean, when was the last time a politician lied to advance their own agenda...?


llewelly said...

The word 'october' is almost completely unreadable in you banner, due to the horrible horizontal lines. In short - your banner is revolting. Oh wait, maybe that fits ...

llewelly said...

By the way, I wish you all the best in your quest for the presidency - but I ain't votin' for you. If I did, it would indicate a weakness in my faith in the dialectic ...

Campaign Team said...

Your comments have been taken on board and discussed by the campaign team.

We are coming for you...