Friday, October 03, 2008


There are those who say that if Johnny is elected, the country will be plunged into a Kafka-esque nightmare. To everyone who says that, we’d like to first draw your attention to this excerpt from The Trial:

The accused had no access to the documents in the case and it was very difficult to draw conclusions from the hearings themselves about the documents on which they were based, and especially so for the defendant, diffident after all, and distracted by all sorts of worries. This is where defence counsel would intervene. As a rule defence counsel were not permitted to be present during hearings, so after each hearing they had to question the accused about the hearing, right at the courtroom door if possible, and extract from his often very jumbled reports whatever might be useful for the defence.

Secondly, we’d like to draw your attention to Guantanamo Bay.

You already live in a Kafka-esque nightmare. You may as well vote for the candidate who will treat you like the cockroach you are.

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